More info on Mel/Mac

These illustrations were done by Mel/Mac when she lived in Missoula, Montana. Her hometown is Shelby, Montana. She left Missoula to pursue competitive trail riding in Oregon and Washington. She also lived for a time in Goleta, CA

Mel/Mac lives close enough to the City of Everett to have fast food delivered.


  1. Anonymous13/2/14

    I'd lay off about her weight. It's not germane and make us working to out her look petty.

  2. Anonymous13/2/14

    I'd lay off about her weight. It's not germane and make us working to out her look petty.

  3. Anonymous14/2/14

    No one would care at all except, she's committing fraud by not using her name in business documents filed with the state of Washington and committed perjury by not giving her real name in court documents. No one would give a rat's ass if all this was about was her using a pseudonym online.

    1. Henry15/2/14

      Either way it's none of your business. You lot couldn't look any worse if you tried. No class. This is a witch hunt, and you're a bunch of internet stalkers. Stalking, in case you didn't know, is a crime.

    2. Anonymous16/2/14

      Actually we are using publicly available information to expose fraud and perjury. If she wants to came after us, she can explain her deceptions to our attorneys under oath and I for one would welcome it.

    3. Amen to that.

  4. Anonymous14/2/14

    Speak of the devil and up pops potty mouth herself. The abuse is a dead giveaway. What are you calling yourself today, Mac/Mel/Lisa?

  5. Anonymous16/2/14

    The question has gotta be, why did Mel/Mac lie about her name to the courts? It's quite okay for her to use a pseudonym on AW. I have a penname, myself. But I certainly wouldn't use it on a court document. That would be perjury.

    1. Anonymous16/2/14

      To me that the strangest part of all this, the tenacity she has hung onto the "Macallister Stone" name. To go as far as to commit perjury and fraud to protect your real name is something I just can't fathom.

  6. Carousel16/2/14

    Unless she changed her name legally to Mac Stone? Then she wouldn't have to give the Mel Sherman thingy to the courts. Just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous16/2/14

      I thought of that and there is no evidence of this. On her expired business license it lists Melodi Sherman as the sole proprietor and Macallister Stone as the entity name.

    2. Anonymous16/2/14

      Well if she did legally change her name, then this whole thing would be moot, but she didn't.

  7. Go to Absolute Wrong blog and read. There is ample evidence Melodi and Mac are one in the same.

    "This is a witch hunt, and you're a bunch of internet stalkers."

    The comment above was from either Melodi or Lisa. Take your pick. Who else would blow their top like this?
