Concerns over cyberbullying and libel at Absolute Write

We're very concerned about the growing number of complaints that are pouring in about Absolute Write. New members claim to have been bullied unmercifully and their characters shredded. They have sent us screenshots of the threads where these attacks took place. This defamation is now popping up on a Google search -- as Mac knew it would -- and it has far reaching and very negative consequences for the victims. If you have had a similar experience we'd like to hear about it. If you've written about AW on your site, send us the link and we'll add it to the dozen or so already displayed at the top of the page.


  1. Anonymous30/7/14

    So can all these people be wrong and Big Mac right? (ROFL) There's a very bad smell at AW.

  2. Mary Jane31/7/14

    Maybe your nose is too close to Big Mac's you know where. lol
